A short video of the clouds passing in front of the Milky Way.
A couple of Saturdays ago I was out at Montauk Point and there was a good break. Checking the south side rocks I found a group of winter surfers. i spent a couple hours of photographing the surfers. Below are a couple of images from that day to see more follow the link to the Montauk Surfers Gallery above.
Took a hike at Montauk Point and couldn’t resist taking a few photos. The Lighthouse of course, and a few other iconic Montauk Point images.
Exhibit Southampton Cultural Center March 1 through April 10. I am having this exhibit with my good friend and wonderful painter Eileen Dawn Skretch. Eileen and I produce large scale art that is breath taking especially in the Cultural Center’s gallery
To meet the Artist there is a reception March 12 4-6 PM
I have been working on a concept for a new group of photos. The concept consist of photo shopping the image of a man covered in black latex into landscapes and other images these are the first two images. Not sure if I want to continue with this concept some feedback would be appreciated. Thanks.
After a morning off shoveling snow I got a chance to take a few photos. After editing there were two photos worth sharing. The first is of pine trees on the farm behind my house the other is of the lighthouse at Montauk. I have never gotten good photo of the lighthouse with snow. The reason being by the time I get there the snow has mostly melted away and yesterday was no exception. However I was still able to get something worth while.
Below are two images that I recently captured at Montauk in Camp Hero, the park on the ocean side of the point. I was unable to upload the unedited images due to problems it created in the galleries. In both images the foreground shadows are very deep with what appears tom be little our no detail. Originally shot in color and exposed to preserve the highlights then processed in Lightroom, Photoshop and Nik softwares. Besides the obvious conversion to black and white I was able to extract a great amount of detail in the shadows. These are not a HDR images, (high dynamic range). HDR images are a merge of several different exposures.