I was in Sag Harbor and spied this small flock of about ten ducks. They were a species I hadn’t seen around here before. I sat on the Village Wharf and waited for them to get within camera range and took a few photos. I looked up the ducks and found out they were Long Tailed Ducks which come down from Northern Canada to winter over.
Lifting Fog
I woke today to thick fog. After walking the dog and fixing a flat tire I got out to try to capture the feeling of the day. The problem was that the few scenes with thick fog were looking into the sun and the fog was quickly burning off. I then remembered a spot on Mecox Bay that the sun would be to my back and there might still be fog left. The two images are the results the fog is burning off and there is a mood of the expecting day.
Shinnecock Bay
Wave photos seem to be the new think around the local galleries. Most of the photos are straight forward rolling waves with good surfing breaks. I like a little more drama so I am posting these. Both were taken on a cold day with a strong Northwest wind which creates the drama.
A Couple of Sunsets
Napeague Sunset
Yellow Swallow Tail Butterfly
Sunset at Flying Point
Ice Boats on Mecox
Today I stopped over to Mecox Bay and caught the end of the day ice boaters. Every winter when the bay ices over these hardy sailers get there ice boats out. Some of these boats can reach speeds of 65 mph or more. Below are a couple of photos from the day.