Ice Boats on Mecox

Today I stopped over to Mecox Bay and caught the end of the day ice boaters. Every winter when the bay ices over these hardy sailers get there ice boats out. Some of these boats can reach speeds of 65 mph or more. Below are a couple of photos from the day.

ice boarder on Mecox Bay

Ice boarder on Mecox Bay

The Arctic Blast and reflections

The Arctic Blast and reflections

Getting ready to race

Getting ready to race


I have been working on a concept for a new group of photos. The concept consist of photo shopping the image of a man covered in black latex into landscapes and other images these are the first two images. Not sure if I want to continue with this concept some feedback would be appreciated. Thanks.

!st construction

!st construction

2nd construction

2nd construction

Water Over Rocks

An older photo that I thought might be good time to put up on the site. This was done with a long exposure. I didn’t have a tripod with me. I had laid the camera on a large rock, and held it as steady as I could. Taking several photos to insure I had a sharp image.

Water over rock

Water over rock