September 3 – 30

September 3 – 30
I spent an afternoon at the Fire Island lighthouse. I had never been there before and found it to be an interesting location I plan to return to in the future.
This evening after a weather front of pouring rain passes through four fisherman are working the famed False Bar at Montauk Point, New York.
I had a chance this summer to try a couple of astro landscape photos. I did some research on how to get these exciting night time images then went out and spent a night at the lighthouse.
A couple of Saturdays ago I was out at Montauk Point and there was a good break. Checking the south side rocks I found a group of winter surfers. i spent a couple hours of photographing the surfers. Below are a couple of images from that day to see more follow the link to the Montauk Surfers Gallery above.