September 3 – 30

September 3 – 30
Stopped in to get a photograph of the Gardiner Mill wind mill. Taking a walk through the cemetery looking for a good vantage point I came across the Gardiner family memorials. Lion Gardiner was a colonist engineer sent to Connecticut to build a fort after which he purchased the Island that bears his name. The island is still privately owned by his heirs. The island is between the two eastern forks of Long Island.
I spent an afternoon at the Fire Island lighthouse. I had never been there before and found it to be an interesting location I plan to return to in the future.
As I posted last year during the winter I take a day and hike along the bluffs of Montauk photographing rocks. These rocks are glacial deposits. I find some of the rocks have character of their own. I have been photographing them in a style similar to portraits as such I call them Rock Portraits. Please enjoy the following portraits.
I have three photos in this exhibit which hangs this week and has an opening exhibit reception Friday August 3, 5 -7 pm. One of my photos was used for the call to artist to enter the exhibit. I have three photos in the exhibit. One photo wining an honorable mention. The three photos i have are the only photos to be chosen for the exhibit. Below is the exhibit poster.